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This is the index for a collection of web pages containing difficult to find technical information about the initial release of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition. I wrote it not long after SQL 2005 shipped. Yes, this web site is UGLY and was written with Word. What can I say, I�m lazy. My main mathematics educational web site MathGV is much prettier. All of my testing servers are running Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition and Windows 2003 Standard Edition unless other wise noted. Most articles should also apply to SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition as well.



Greg Van Mullem

Fell Free to contact me at:


Last updated: March 29, 2009


Links to major articles:

1. Error restoring database backup file in SQL Server 2005. I made a backup of all databases to a single file using the SQL 2005 Standard Edition maintenance plan wizard. I have been unable to restore databases from this type of backup file.


2. Errors using SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services) 2005 to extract records from an IBM AS400 to an SQL table (workaround)


3. Installing Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services on a non-default web site. Reporting Services will be installed on a web server that is not running the SQL 2005 database engine. We will use a host header and a DNS name to connect to the web site.


4. Using the SSIS transformation script component in an ETL. This example shows how to ETL (Extract Translate and Load) customer records from a source (staging) table to a destination table. It uses a standard update or insert algorithm.


5. Veritas Backup Exec breaks SQL Server 2005 SP1 install. This article documents how Veritas Backup Exec (now owned by Symantec) causes the SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 1 install to fail. It also documents how to fix the problem even after a failed install attempt.


Smaller items:

1. The SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition install program will not let you upgrade from �SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition� to �SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition�. However, if you are not paying really close attention during the install it appears to work! Here is a Microsoft web page on version and edition upgrades


2. SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services will not install on the Web Server editing of Windows 2003 despite being a relatively standard ASP.NET web site. This is fully documented by Microsoft but it still caught me by surprise. Doho!


External resources:

1. I highly recommend Jamie Thompson�s �SSIS Junkie� blog for SSIS stuff. Wow does he have a lot of good information!


2. Here is a good article on changing table and stored procedure ownership in SQL 2000.


3. Here is an article that discusses how to fix problems accessing the diagrams in databases that have been restored to SQL 2005 from a SQL 2000 backup file. This problem is fixed in SP1.


4. Here is some really links that discuss calling SSIS from Reporting Services.